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A Embrapa acaba de publicar uma edição especial de 25 anos de seu Balanço Social, que demonstra o resultado das contribuições da Empresa à sociedade nesse período, incluindo dados...

Publishing date: 27/04/22

Elephant grass is an alternative to generate thermoelectric power and replace firewood The name of the current biggest land animal fits elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) like a...

Publishing date: 15/07/15

On Wednesday, May 10, the Johanna Döbereiner Biological Resources Center (CRB-JD from the acronym in Portuguese) was inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. In addition to...

Publishing date: 12/05/17

This year, technologies developed by Embrapa Mid-North in the areas of animal and food production will start to benefit smallholders from countries like Uganda, Cameroon, Ethiopia,...

Publishing date: 08/01/18