Analyses and Studies

It is the stage at which priority themes, as defined by Embrapa's Strategy Management Committee (Comitê Gestor de Estratégias - CGE) and Executive Board (Diretoria-Executiva - DE) based on the systematization of demands received and the trends prospected by the Observatory of Studies and Trends, are the target of further study.

This stage counts on the active participation of professionals from Embrapa and partner institutions. Agropensa's Management Committee identifies the teams required to provide the analysis of the themes and elaborates terms of reference and coordinates the work of internal and external collaborators – Embrapa's Web of Knowledge.

Agropensa's Management Committee oversees the analyses and the studies. Then, the results are submitted to the Executive Board, which can validate them with the CGE and the National Advisory Committee (Comitê Assessor Nacional - CAN).


"Analyses and Studies" Component



The main products generated by this component consist of strategic information with indication of bottlenecks, opportunities and possible courses of action.


Processes associated with the "Analyses and Studies" Component