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Research and Development

Técnico analisando exsicatas no microscópio.

We are a research, development and innovation corporation. Our agenda is entilery aimed at the generation of new knowledge, most of which translates into products, processes and services for the agricultural sector. Moreover, we are increasingly progressing towards increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of agriculture with high-quality studies, actions, and information. We also generate information that contributes to the formulation and improvement of public policies in areas that relate to our mission. Our main objective is to strengthen Embrapa's ability to respond to the demands from Brazilian agriculture while anticipating and facing the challenges of the future.

Our structure
Embrapa's R&D activities are coordinated by the Executive Director for Research & Development, who supervises the Secretariat of Research & Development. Embrapa's Decentralized Units also play a coordinating role within the scope of their missions.


Our team consists of 2,444 researchers, 84% of whom have PhD or post-doctoral degrees from universities in Brazil and abroad. Under the Director of Research and Development's guidance, we operate as a network with institutions from the National Agricultural Research System - SNPA and with researchers from various parts of the world.

Scientific Production

Our scientific production occupies a prominent place among the reserach institutions in the country.

New types of knowledge are shared via scientific articles, books, technical journals, courses, lectures and more.
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