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About the theme

Family farming is responsible for the largest share of jobs generated in the field and represents the majority of Brazilian agricultural properties. This segment is characterized by the production of a wide variety of foods, with emphasis on crops such as coffee, beans, cassava, banana, and pineapple. Embrapa has contributed to the development of this sector with technology development and transfer and support for the elaboration of public policies [+] Read more


Technological solutions

*Content only available in Portuguese


O Sistema de Criação de Galinhas Caipiras tem como objetivo melhorar o desempenho da atividade tradicional de criação de galinhas na agricultura f...

*Content only available in Portuguese

Agricultural practice

A barragem subterrânea é uma tecnologia de captação e armazenamento da água de chuva para produção de alimentos e vem sendo adotada por agricultor...

More technological solutions

Questions and answers

The Brazilian scenario, the characterization of the several groups of this segment and the sector policies. Access here and find answers from Embrapa experts to the main questions about family farming. [+] Read more


Other highlights


Mitos e Verdades - Balde Cheio
Duration: 2:48"   ¦   4447 Views
Quintais orgânicos de frutas em áreas rurais e urbanas : parte 1 - Dia de Campo na TV
Duration: 6:51"   ¦   835 Views
Fossa Séptica Biodigestora e Clorador Embrapa - Saneamento básico rural
Duration: 27:11"   ¦   175120 Views

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O livro Tecnologias de convivência com o Semiárido brasileiro reúne resultados de pesquisas exitosas de mais de cinquenta pesquisadores, professores,...


Serviços ecossistêmicos: uma abordagem conceitual; Serviços ecossistêmicos: histórico e evolução; Serviços ecossistêmicos: instrumentos legais e polít...


"Agriculturização" na Amazônia: Conflitos e Oportunidades. Agricultura Familiar, Tecnologia e Mercado. Rentabilidade dos Sistemas de Produção para Dif...

Latest related publications


Este número da Série Documentos retrata a essência do processo de construção da parceria entre o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Social (BNDES) e a...


O Brasil se destaca como país de origem do abacaxizeiro e como terceiro maior produtor mundial de abacaxi. A cultura está presente em todos os Estados...

Collections to download

Plantar Collection

Pocket-sized, illustrated and written in plain, didactic language, the titles of the Plantar [Sowing] Collection focus on the basic aspects of the cultivation of vegetables, fruit, medicinal, and oilseed plants, among others.

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Family Agroindustry

Collection with manuals about the industrial processing of raw materials such as milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes. These are business opportunities for the smallholder or rural entrepreneur.

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ABC of Family Farming

The publications show how to optimize agricultural activities. Animal husbandry, cultivation techniques, pest and disease control practices, alternative fertilization, and manufacture of fruit preserves are some of the subjects addressed.

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500 questions 500 answers

The publications in this collection were elaborated based on questions made by farmers, associations, cooperatives, etc. and answered by Embrapa. You can download the titles in their digital version or buy their printed issues.

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Systematization of Experiences

The collection Systematization of Experiences: Methods of Technology Transfer, Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Building shows how knowledge and technologies that Embrapa and partners generated have reached the fields.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Collection that addresses how Embrapa's operations relate to each of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN. 

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Programs and projects

This project intends to offer technical and scientific support to Secretariat for Family Farms and Cooperatives (Secretaria de Agricultura Familiar e ...

No Brasil, um grande número de agroindústrias familiares elabora suco de uva ‘caseiro’ ou ‘colonial’ pela técnica da panela extratora por arraste de v ...

The artisanal cheese production stands out as an important activity for income generation of family farmers in different regions of the country, such ...

Family farming is an economically important segment nationwide, but has many weaknesses of social and technological order. Parallel to this, concerns ...

This project's main goal is to promote knowledge building in partnership with the extractivist community through research actions to adapt and generat ...

The Serra Geral Territory, located in the north of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is composed of 16 municipalities and has an area of ​​20,581....

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Embrapa analisa farinhas de tapioca comercializadas em Belém

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Prosa Rural - Variedade de arroz vermelho BRS 902

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Embrapa Meio Ambiente estará na 27ª Hortitec

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Prosa Rural - Cruzamentos industriais para produção de carne ovina

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